Robotic Intelligent Fulfillment Services
“Green is Beautiful; Small is Fast.”
Robotic Intelligent Fulfillment Services
“The warehouses are in themselves a masterpiece of AI technology.” M. Ianstiti & K Lakhani, 2020. Competing in the Age of AI
In Korea, three categories of “Quick Service”, i.e., fast delivery, are now offered: three-hours“immediate” delivery, the same-day delivery, and early morning delivery.
Such a last mile delivery as “Quick Service” has emerged as one of the key competitive advantages for the entire community of e-commerce industries, regardless of target markets and enterprise sizes; this is one of the reasons for the fatal accidents of delivery men and other employees.
Korean consumers in general, young ones in particular, tend to accept extra prices for those “quick” services; moreover, the quality and speed of delivery determine the decision-making of consumers together with the quality and price of delivered products.
Centralized Fulfillment vs Micro Fulfillment
The concept of fulfillment instead of warehouse came into existence due to the initiatives of Amazon.
Since Amazon’s inception, typical fulfillment centers have been centralized by installing huge warehouses (larger than 65,000m²) in the suburban area, which result in higher transportation cost and longer delivery times: in Korea, Market Kelly’s Kimpo site (85,000m²), Lotte Global Logistics’ Dekpyong site (129,388m²). Micro-fulfillment services recently emerged with the concept of “closer to the customers,” lower capital expenditure cost and less time to build.
The prime features of MFC against CFC are its location in the middle of cities and its small size with innovative technology to enhance performance, accuracy, and cost reduction.